
I'm Back!

Sorry for my absence. I have had so many things going on lately.  Don't have time to post at work and when I get home I am so exhausted all I want to do is sleep.

Work is KILLING me!!!!!
I have been super busy at work.  These guys can't seem to do anything for themselves and additionally the girl that works in our Houston, TX office got fired or maybe she quit. Who knows?!?! I don't really care... I just want them to find a replacement and I mean SOON!!! I have been doing all of her invoicing as well as catering to the guys in that office.  Why?  Because we all know men can't do anything for themselves... and why should they when they have AWESOME women like us to do it for them. I was able to find a little free time this morning to catch you all up on what's been going on with me though... and I am thankful for that!

I feel like sometimes I am being pulled in so many different directions. Sometimes I just need time for me.  I haven't had much of that lately.  Been too busy trying to make everyone else happy that I seem to let myself suffer.  My fitness level this past month has been pretty much zero. I had to take a little time off from Boot camp due to just needing a break from the everyday hustle.  I haven't been running lately either. Well I take that back I did do the Play Dirty Adventure Race this past weekend.  That was a blast!  Katelyn and Cody did the 3 miler with me and Ben did the 3/4 miler with a friend and a cousin.  We all had a blast and were filthy!  But heyy... that's why they call it Play Dirty right?  Can't wait to do it or something similar to it again.

The weather has been pretty nice here lately which means IT'S TIME TO START RUNNING AGAIN!  (Cristy are you ready for the lakes?) I miss it when I don't go, but my kids have had a lot going on and I just felt like I needed to be at home a little more.  I realize now that if I take an hour out of my day to run or go to boot camp EVERYONE is better off.  I am much less stressed and boy do my kids and hubs like that!  October is going to be my month to really get back into running.  I am making a vow to keep it up at least 3 times a week.  I am going to do my best to go back to boot camp, but because that costs me $$$$ that tends to be the first thing to suffer. :(

Oh!!! I have been taking my medicine.  I have been taking it faithfully every single day!  Guess what????? I have lost some weight!  WooHOO!!!! Got on the scale this morning and it read 226.  I can't believe it!!! I was stuck at 232 for the longest time.  No matter what I couldn't get under that stinking number.  Finally I am over that hump, and the pounds are coming off.  I hope it stays that way.  Pray for me!!!! :)