

So... today hasn't gone the way I planned.  Not many days do, but today was one of those crazy days where nothing goes right!  My diet sucks today and my boss is on my last nerve!  All I really want to do is curl up on the couch and watch tv for... well FOREVER. (Not really... but at least until this miserable day goes away... far far away)

Let me catch you up...
At the end of May I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance (IR) as well as having an underacive Thyroid.  I had been telling my doctor that something had to be wrong for quite a while and he just kept telling me to keep doing what i was doing and things would work out.  My best friend, Cristy, and I were in the middle of training for a marathon (run/walk 26.2 miles for those of you that don't know) and I wasn't losing anything!!! In fact, I was even dieting with all of the exercising i was doing and nothing worked!!! Finally i got fed up with my doctor pushing my weight aside and i did something about it.  I called The Metabolic Center in Baton Rouge (recommended to me by a friend) and made my own appointment.  I didn't have time to wait nor did i want to wait for a referral. 

When I was finally able to get in to see the endocrinologist he took one look at me and told me i was Insulin Resistant.  He ran further tests to confirm his suspicions.  I thought... man we are in business!!! I am so glad someone has finally figured out what is wrong with me.  I was like.. just give me the meds and let me go on my way.  I will continue to exercise and take these new meds and that will be it... right?  Ha!!! WRONG! The doc and I DID NOT discuss a diet plan.  He told me to give myself two injections of Byetta per day and that was pretty much it. 

I went back in for a follow up visit in June.  I hadn't lost a single pound!  I was so disgusted.  He said that was good as long as I wasn't gaining weight.  What???? I want to lose weight.  I am active and there should be no reason i'm not losing weight.  He gave me more meds (Metformin) and increased the Byetta injections. 

Well it is now the end of July and I have lost 1 pound!  How is that even possible? Well... you see it wasn't until I went to see my gyno that I discovered The Insulin Resistance Diet book. He told me to buy the book and cut out a good portion of the carbs that I am eating and that should work.  Well... that is why i am here.  I need to be held accountable for what i do to my body.  I need to put it all out there and hopefully that will help me lose this unwanted weight. 

I think that is enough for one day!  See you tomorrow!

I am SOOOOOOO Ready to Shine!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I never heard the whole story till now!! I am so glad we met, girl!! Cutting carbs/sugar is definitely a huge help!! We WILL lose the weight! Promise! :)

    So glad you're starting a blog!!!

