
what a fun night!!!

I had so much fun last night.  Look how great our pictures came out!!! Katelyn and I decided not to do the reverse painting.  She is planning to do something different in her room, and said it wouldn't match. Boo!!!  Regardless... we still had tons of fun & will do it again very soon!

My beautiful piece of artwork!!! HA

Meet Katelyn! Isn't she just a doll? ;)

She got so messy!!! Look at my arm next to her... yes she even got paint on me!  Hehehe!!! Gotta love her!!!

If you haven't had the pleasure of going to one of these 2 hour painting classes... I suggest you try it.  This is only the second one I have been to, but they are so much fun! 

After class we walked across the street to a local pizza place.  They have the best pizza in the world!!!  I didn't have pizza though.  I had Pasta with Marinara.  I only ate about 1/3 of it because I wasn't very hungry.  It was just okay... Not great! Definitely not worth the calories!!!!

I have the sweetest kids in the whole wide world!!!! I have been dieting and well today is my birthday.  For some reason I feel like because it is my birthday I am entitled to have cake.  My hubby is trying to be very supportive and told me that he wasn't going to do that to me. WHAT????? I am begging for this cake from The Cocoa Bean in Hammond!  They make the most delicious Chocolate Doberge Cake in the entire world!!! I told the hubs that was all I wanted for my birthday.  He declined! BOO!!! (But yay because he is helping me out... I would eat the entire thing for real)
When I got home from work yesterday (they started school today so they had to do it early) I had chocolate brownies waiting for me!  How sweet are my kids?  Katelyn said it was Ben's idea... she just helped him, but man I almost cried.  They knew I wanted cake and they did what they could to make sure I had something close to it!  Thank you to my sweet babies for thinking about me on my special day! Psst... I only had a tiny piece. Enough to get my chocolate fix & to show how appreciative I was of their super efforts!  Yay for the sweetest kids in the entire world!!!


  1. She's so cute, Amber! Glad ya'll had a good time! And i'm so glad that your kids made you some brownies! You gotta have something yummy on your bday! Good for you for watching your portions with it!

  2. Phhhh... I am still waiting for the birthday cakes(!!) the BF promised me over the last three years... don't think I will be gaining weight from "baked-for-me" cake anytime soon...

    Happy birthday!
