
Appointment with a Dietitian

Most of you know about me being insulin resistant. You can read a little about it here.  Sometimes I think this is just a fancy way to say... You're FAT!!! Now get off your butt and do something about it. And... I haven't actually figured out if my "thinking" is correct because I haven't had the nerve to ask anyone about it.  I don't like to offend anyone, but then again... I am labeled as IR too. Anyway... I am SICK of taking pills.  Let me just tell you what my doctor wants me to take DAILY.
Metformin (2 pills/2x day), Vitamin D, Iron, Synthroid (for my underactive thyroid) & Byetta injections (2 shots/2xday).  Psst... have I mentioned that I am ONLY 33 years old????

Listen... I am not a professional in the medical field, but I don't see what all of these medicines can do for me that I can't try to remedy through diet and exercise. They have some of the worst side effects ever.  You don't even want me to go there. YUK!!!!! 

Did i mention that I stopped taking the meds?  Yeah... I stopped!  They just make me... well they make me a lot of things, but one thing they make me is GASSY!!! Yes I said it!  Not to mention that they are expensive. The byetta alone is $150 a month because my insurance won't cover it. 

So... I am going to see a dietitian today!  Yes I am!!! I can't wait for 2PM to roll around. I am super excited to see what she might have to say, and I might even ask her my dreaded question about IR. Hummmm still contemplating that one.

I will follow up afterwards and let you know how it went. Hopefully she doesn't tell me I should start taking the meds again because (whine) I really don't want to! 

Wish me luck! ;)


  1. IR is a very real thing! It's not made up if that's what you're wondering. As you can see from my blog, i've dieted & exercised for 2 years solid - doing everything as advised - & you see how little i lost??? I do wonder if i could have lost if i had just done low carb... but i didn't discover that was needed until now. And now i'm losing. Would i lose w/o the meds? Not sure. I am on Metformin & have NO side effects at this time (i did at first but they've gone away). Thankfully not on any injections! And on Vitamin D & B12.

    I am excited, though, about your dietician! :) I'm sure she can answer your questions even about IR! :)

  2. I need to clarify... I didn't mean that I thought IR wasn't real... I know IR is a real thing. I am living with it every day. I just get so annoyed sometimes bc I did this to myself. Had I not had such terrible eating habits this likely wouldn't have happened to me. That is all I am really saying is... I did this to my body... Now I have to fix it! And would rather fix it the healthiest way possible without the medication. Now... if I need to take it to get better then I will, but I would like to try other things too.

  3. Hey Amber, Good luck! I am sure this is the right move for you and any good dietitian should know what advice to give you. It's a shame the doctor put you on meds without even suggesting dietary changes first! I think the metformin is beneficial but it takes time to regulate your insulin production.

    But also please don't be so hard on yourself about your eating habits. We have all been eating this way - it's unwittingly causing IR in a huge number of people all over the world. It's not your fault!

    Please let us know how you go - I think this is exciting and I hope you get some good advice!

  4. Many things will take care of themselves once you're more comfortable with a healthy way of living. Not all of them, but many. But while you're still struggling and getting there, take you pills. At least the most important ones. Like Metformin. (I am a medical translator, and have read about everything there is to read on the medical consequences of poorly controlled diabetes and IR - you really don't want to go there.)

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone! I am going to post about my appointment in just a sec. I can see the light... well sort of. ;)
